Well, since my lecturer always insisted on brushing up my skills on using English, so decided to write my blog for the first time in this language.
And there goes half of my semester in kmm, weird and odd... As when I come to think of it, everything seems to happened in just a blink of an eye... I'm not so sure why, but i just can't really see the sense of enjoying the life here.... Sorry...

Guess it's just my personal emotional control akills, as things happen here.. Trust me, a lot of stuffs take place here... It's sort of like a curse or just the reality? Whenever there's people, there would be rumors and scandals. I just don't see the sense on keep on repeating the same thing over and over again... I'm getting tired of it.. But others seem to be kind of drown in the enjoyment. Thus, I wouldn't say anything anymore.. As long as you all are enjoying it, I guess that worth it. Most of the time, happiness can only be built on the suffering and displease of someone.
Though my past time experiences tell me that there's no people that is totally same from outer to inner, or phenotype to genotype. haha.... However, I still can't stand to see such persons persist in my sight of view. What sort of people? Well... I'm not really allowed to say such things out, but think of someone that actually disgust you just by merely ignoring you. We're meant to help each other, bringing things to a better result. But I wonder why? This person seems to ignore me whenever I'm trying to do my part of role, others may not see it, but I can see it clearer than ever.
Oh, one thing. The feeling of getting ignored is really really really bad. Trust me, I'm currently in the situation, I know the taste rather well. This sort of ignore is like, quite complicated to explain bah...
I'm exhausted, trying to get the set of mind into everyone, that I'm unavailable!!! Scandals are indeed something that can only persist whenever there's two person involved, but it's unfair to the ones involved! I'm okay with it actually, getting nagged or gossiped on me and who who who... But please think about it ladies and gentlemen, what about the girl? Everyone knows that name of a girl is far too precious to be gossiped on merely I would say rather 'bad' words. Note, I'm actually trying to talk polite here...
Issues do happen, it can be bad or good, but it depends on that particular person involved in the situation. In the same situation, it may be good for A, but would be really bad for B. And i guess that i often end up in the 'B' position... HAHz....