Hmm.. First thing I realized after so many years of studies and reading. I actually am someone that can only study well under pressure! Whenever the stress comes to me, somehow i will get a lot more productive than usual. Its really proven when i actually manage to learn my physic from chapter 6-15 in just one week of time. Where it was actually taught for 3 months to the students. Oh, sorry but I have to admit here. I never do pay attention in classes. I would prefer to sleep during lecture classes and carry out my self-studies later on. It sounds unfair to the lecturers, but sad to say, that's my style of study. No worries, as i will definitely meet them back in the office to ask them teach me all over again. Hahz. Well, i guess from now on, my studies can only come in one way, get a lot of stress within myself and stay up more. From here, I would rather warn my friends first, I'm the kind that will show my feelings on my expressions, so sorry if you're freaked out when you see me later. If anyone out there says i shouldn't torture me in this way, there's better way of studies and so on.. Sorry but I have to stick to my style as I know myself best and I know if I don't give a 200%, my dream of getting 4 flat and becoming a general specialist will stay as a dream forever.

My friends said you shouldn't stay up so late even if your young and my relatives said you can stay up late because you're still young.. Hmm... Who should i listen to? But I guess it actually doesn't depends on anyone's hand for my physical and mental fitness belong to myself while I know the best way to handle them. For the highest record I had for staying up for studies? Staying up until 7am in the morn and sleep for 3 hours before going back to studies. It sounds crazy (it is), but that is my only solution. As I'm not as smart as others plus I'm more lazy than others, guess I can only do so in order to catch up with others in the studies. I admit I'm not intelligent enough as others, so i guess I need to spend more time on my studies compared to others then.. Hahz.. To anyone that's worried about me out there, no worries kay? Because for only a reason, "I'M NOT DEAD YET!!"
Love is something funny. It crazes you around before throwing you back in the garbage bin to find your own garbage back. Why would I say so? As to me, love is something that you find back your own belongings. Your belongings was thrown into the garbage bin and you need to look for it. My belongings are in the garbage bin for i think the relationships i have will come with lots of troubles and challenges. Which tend to make things tangled and dirty, where you don't where to start with. But it is beautiful when you got the right one, as she/he being the truly one is nothing better than being born to this world.
How I have lived through without her I don't know, but what I know is with her I can become immortal, face any challenges without any anxiety for I know she is supporting me from behind. She will help me to stand back up after I had fall down. She had felt so close and yet so far to me. For she is so reachable and unreachable at the same time. Maybe I'm just a dumb ass for had fallen to her, causing trouble to both sides, but what I know is, She is that piece of puzzle that was lost in my life. She showed me life and what life should be. And all the times when she's not around, I just want her more.If I could ever be her superman, I'll fly her to stars and back again. There are no words usable to paint a picture of her. Her eyes, it's as if she's from some other world. She's so beautiful...
And when comes to my age, lots of problems pops out on its own. I guess I just have to endure it no matter what. Even if the world ends by 2012 or even tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today...